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Questions and Answers about Bicycle Recycling

FAQ 3 mån Garanti
  • Is buying a recycled used bike good for the environment?
    Yes, you contribute to a positive cycle. By purchasing a refurbished used bike instead of a new one, you reduce your carbon footprint by approximately 43 kilograms just on the metal. The climate benefit of material recycling compared to production from new raw materials is 2.1 kilograms per kilogram of steel/iron and 10.6 kilograms per kilogram of aluminum. A bike weighs between 10-20 kilograms with an average of 14.6 kilograms, resulting in a saving of 43 kilograms per adult bike. Read more on: Klimat - Återvinnings Industrierna (
  • Do you offer a warranty on used bicycles?
    Yes, all serviced used bicycles* we sell are refurbished, serviced, and come with a 3-month warranty. It's a functional guarantee. The warranty does not cover damages caused by the owner or any other person after the bicycle has been sold. The warranty also does not cover punctures. However, if you get a puncture within a week of purchasing the bike, we offer free puncture repair. *Unserviced bicycles sold in the webshop are usually Vintage Racer, Vintage MTB, Vintage children's bicycles, Women's Veterans, Men's Veterans, Single Speed/Fixie, BMX, Military Bicycles.
  • Where do your used bikes come from?
    Our bikes come from property owners who have abandoned bikes in their properties. We also receive bicycles from Stockholm municipality. We do not buy used bikes from private individuals which we then resell.
  • What do you do with the bikes before they are sold?
    We assess the bicycles, and those that can be repaired are refurbished according to a predetermined service schedule, where we check and replace brakes, tires, chains, gears, etc. If something is broken, it is replaced.
  • Can I cancel my purchase of a used bike?
    When purchasing from the online store, the Distance Sales Act applies, and you have a two-week right of withdrawal.
  • If I buy a used bike from you, can I trade in my old bike and get a price reduction?
    Yes, you can, but keep in mind that the price reduction will not be that big, because we go through and service all the bikes we receive before they are sold.
  • How do you contribute to a better society by recycling your bikes?
    y allowing us to convert abandoned bicycles into affordable bike products or environmentally friendly recycling, you contribute, among other things, to reduced environmental impact, improved traffic in Stockholm, and more efficient resource utilization. Furthermore, better order is created in bicycle rooms, public areas, and outdoor spaces. Additionally, you have the opportunity to support the work of the City Mission for a better Stockholm for all.
  • How is our collaboration with the Stockholm City Mission?
    In addition to our business contributing to better resource utilization, we also have a partnership with Stockholm City Mission. The City Mission is a non-profit organization working to make Stockholm a more humane city for everyone. The City Mission assists, among others, children and young people in need of support from an adult, families in crisis, single parents struggling financially, young adults in need of therapy, elderly individuals living in solitude, as well as all men and women experiencing homelessness or substance abuse. Our contribution to the City Mission's activities includes monetary donations as well as donating children's bicycles and strollers to the organization.
  • What does the law say about the handling of abandoned bicycles?
    Before abandoned bicycles can be cleared out, residents must be informed well in advance that bicycle clearance will take place and on which date it will be carried out. Residents must be given ample time to mark their bicycles so that it is clear who the owner is. Typically, this period is around one month. Unmarked bicycles can then be removed and stored for at least six months. During this period, any potential owner must have the opportunity to retrieve their bicycle. After six months, ownership rights transfer to the property owner, who then transfers ownership rights to Cykelåtervinning AB.
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Visiting address:
Maria Prästgårdsgata 14
118 52 Stockholm, Sweden
08-644 48 82 (10.00-18.00)

Monday - Friday 10:00 - 18:00

Saturday 10:00 – 16:00

Sunday 11:00 – 16:00

Customer service 08-644 48 82

Returns and right of withdrawal

Cykelåtervinning i Stockholm AB

Org. nr 559019-9005

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